Monday, April 15, 2013

2013 Masters: This year's tale of guilt.

In so many ways, Tiger Woods is the perfect counterpoint to Adam Scott.

His failure to hit the gas hard enough on Sunday was blamed on slow greens. Sure, they were trhe very same greens that Cabrera and Scott made epic putts on but, hey, they were just too slow for the stripped one.

Woods debacle at the 15th left me with only one question:

Why did Woods think it was OK to drop a couple yards short of the divot of his previous shot?

I haven't heard anyone ask this question.

In one respect, it doesn't matter: The fact is he made a bad drop and signed an incorrect scorecard.

Game over.

The additional fact is that was only the Masters Rule Committee's failure to identify the penalty in real time, and to notify Woods before he signed his card, that saved him from disqualification.

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